

Customer Success Story

Markbygden wind farm, Sweden

Harmonic filter (MSCDN) for wind farm supporting smooth integration of renewable energy to Swedish grid


One of the largest onshore wind farms in the world, Markbygden in Sweden is a step towards the country's goal to meet its 100% electricity needs from renewable sources by 2040. Hitachi Energy's harmonic filter solution ensures smooth integration of this wind farm's output to Swedish grid, thereby making it sustainable, flexible and secure.

Customer Highlights

Sweden aims to meet 100% of its electricity demand from renewable sources, like wind, solar, hydropower and bioenergy. Wind energy is particularly in focus to the growing need to nearly triple its capacity to meet this target. Markbygden wind farm, with its almost 1000 turbines, is a key enabler of this strategy. Located in northern Sweden, it is envisioned to become Europe's largest onshore wind farm.

Integrating wind energy on such a large scale into the grid gives rise to significant power quality issues. Due to dynamic weather conditions, wind farms often face voltage and frequency fluctuation issues. Also, high reactive power demand and harmonics can limit the actual output from wind turbines, causing power losses. Furthermore, utilities operating the grid can impose penalties on wind farm operators for not complying with grid code requirements.


Hitachi Energy has installed two harmonic filters at Råbäcken substation, connecting Markbygden wind farm with the Swedish national grid. These filters, also known as 'Mechanically Switched Capacitors with Damping Networks' (MSCDN), can assure stability of voltage and frequency of the wind farm output. Power quality issues like excessive reactive power demand and harmonics can also be mitigated by these filters.


Harmonic filters (MSCDN) from Hitachi Energy enable full utilization of wind power generated at Markbygden. Increased power quality also ensures compliance to grid code requirements, avoiding disturbances. This helps Markbygden minimize disturbances for stable operations, and also partner in balancing the grid reactive power from the national perspective. Thus, with pioneering technology, Hitachi Energy is advancing Sweden's energy system to be more sustainable, flexible and secure.

Main data
Year of installation 2021
Type of product Harmonic filter / Mechanically Switched Capacitors with Damping Network (MSCDN)
Number of units 2
Voltage 170 kV
Rated output 400 Mvar + 200 Mvar
Frequency 50 Hz